illustrations + layout design / 21 pages / 2021
the client: Survived & Punished NY
the project brief: I designed the layout and illustrated the cover for this educational zine which outlines how prosecutors criminalize survivors of gender based violence. This project was used as a political education tool in the lead-up to the 2021 Manhattan DA election to illuminate where candidates stood on clemency for incarcerated survivors and how they intended to use their funding.
my approach: I wanted the cover illustration to reflect the zine’s analysis that funding prosecution is prioritized over the needs of survivors who are often criminalized for self defense or other acts related to survival.
I decided to illustrate the scales of justice tipped and weighed down on one side by financial resources and the power of the criminal punishment system, while survivors and people power are given less weight on the other side of the scale.
I also created additional illustrations inside the zine to accompany the text and visually represent the zine’s analysis.
This illustration shows money entering the DA’s office funnel which churns those funds into prosecution and prisons rather than community resources.
I was thrilled to have the cover illustration of this zine featured as an example of abolitionist movement art in the book Abolition. Feminism. Now. 2022